Saturday, October 15, 2005


Saturday October 15 - 3pm.
The regular library crowd shuffles reluctantly out as teenagers start to take over the library for the afternoon.
Inger Fountain of Sealight Books, brought a big exhibit of Graphic Novels from which to choose titles to include in the library collection. She also had comics to give away. Young cartoonists took advantage of the chance to see a wide array of quality comic art and literature.

Local Bands: Karma, Awkward Silence, and No Parkin' - all teenagers - and Solo performers FreeLance and Josie Cubis, entertained the crowd in the amphitheatre outside the library.

Meanwhile, back inside the library, artists had the floor.
Mary Anne Vale from Noosa Community Theatre led the troupe in a round of theatre games and improvisation exercises. Got the urge to show off your acting talents? Then this was the the gig for you! There's plenty more happening in the next few months. Check the entertainment pages for Mary Anne's plays at Theatre S at Noosaville during the summer holidays. And if you want to be involved in another "Theatre Games" event at the library, just contact us and we'll put you on the list.

Far from the madding crowd, Jo Brooker led a devoted crowd of keen cartoonists, practising some of the ingenious techniques developed over years of experience in the art. You would be surprised how quickly you can draw a caricature of ... just anyone!
Our artists came away with actual cartoon pictures and lots of inspiration to do more art.
A repeat of this workshop in the January school holidays will happen by popular demand.

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