a Noosa Library project to enable young people in our area to meet others with similar interests in the safe, friendly library space. Share your views. Email us : wllcpark at yahoo.com.au
Have you got the latest in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer? Readers are already telling me they don't know what they'll read once this is over - it's that good! Unfortunately, I will have to save up and buy them, because the library copies are still in such demand. I've been doing some checking, though, and will start a list of the "readalikes". Meanwhile, if you can suggest any books in a similar vein, please get in touch...
So, those Book Awards were announced - some weeks ago! And the winner is ... "Ghost Child' by Sonya Hartnett. It would have been a difficult choice as all of the short list were great. But, moving on, it's time to choose the "Inkys" - Australia's only teenage choice book awards. The long list was announced on insideadog.com.au. There are 10 Australian books in the list, going for the gold Inky, and 10 international titles vying for the silver Inky. Readers can also win. So check out the website now. And while you're there, have a go at a quiz. You'd be surprised how much you know!